Que ganitas tenia de un buen paseo por la playita !!! respirando aire puro y disfrutar de buenas vistas al lado de los que quiero!!!! ese día extrene 2 prendas, el jersey que me tenia loquita y tardé en conseguir y la mochila de blanco , no se si os llama la atención pero los anillos que suelo llevar aparte de ABATABA, son de una artista local y que hace maravillas a precios baratisimos (3 euros mas o menos) si os interesa y sois de Vigo preguntarme y os diré donde conseguirlos!!!, cómoda y casual para una tarde tranquila , que acabó con un pasado por agua, como no, la lluvia no podía faltar en Vigo!!! ayyyy menudo tiempo de locos!!!!!
S warranty that had a walk around the little beach! breathing fresh air and enjoy great views of the side that I want!! 2 pieces constipation that day, I had the jersey and it took me to get crazy and white backpack, if you are not striking but usually wear the rings apart ABATABA , are of a local artist who does wonders prices baratisimos (3 euros or so) if you are interested and are asking Vigo and I will tell you where to get them!, comfortable and casual for a quiet evening, which ended with a boiled, of course, the rain could not miss Vigo! ayyyy often crazy time !!!!!
JERSEY - zara woman 29'95 E
JEANS - G- star
MOCASINES - zara woman 59'95 E
MOCHILA - blanco 29'95 E
ANILLO - artesana local 3 E
ESMALTE - kiko 2'50 E
S warranty that had a walk around the little beach! breathing fresh air and enjoy great views of the side that I want!! 2 pieces constipation that day, I had the jersey and it took me to get crazy and white backpack, if you are not striking but usually wear the rings apart ABATABA , are of a local artist who does wonders prices baratisimos (3 euros or so) if you are interested and are asking Vigo and I will tell you where to get them!, comfortable and casual for a quiet evening, which ended with a boiled, of course, the rain could not miss Vigo! ayyyy often crazy time !!!!!
JERSEY - zara woman 29'95 E
JEANS - G- star
MOCASINES - zara woman 59'95 E
MOCHILA - blanco 29'95 E
ANILLO - artesana local 3 E
ESMALTE - kiko 2'50 E